The Meaning of the Title

Amaurot is a utopia, written about by Sir Thomas More. It is a city of "perfection" where the residents are so trusting that "their doors have all two leaves, which, as they are easily opened, so they shut of their own accord; and, there being no property among them, every man may freely enter into any house whatsoever. At every ten years' end they shift their houses by lots..."


Season's Greetings

Ok, maybe not Season's Greetings...that's teetering over the edge of the lame scale. But I guess I can't say "Merry Christmas" in the spirit of peace on earth and goodwill to the thin-skinned. Hmmmm - what about "Happy Holidays" (it's got alliteration going for it, anyway)? And it avoids conflict - which, as you know, is what I live for.

All right, so I'll get to the point of this extended internal/external monolgue. I cannot comprehend why anyone would have a problem with being wished a Merry Christmas (by me). I'm not forcing whatever mixed-up beliefs I have on you - I'm not asking you to get down on your knees and cry "Praise de Lord!" I'm not even mentioning religion...All I am doing is expressing a (no doubt superficial) wish that you will have a 25th of December that is full of smiles and puppydogs and snickerdoodles. (Ya, you're right, I'm such a jerk...)

Maybe I'll just hybridize and say "Happy Christmas" like the Brits.



All right people, I know this was over a whole week ago, but bear with me here...

Personally, I thought the pre-noms were a big waste of time in an attempt by CBS to play something other than their usual moronic comedies. However, it was great fun watching Taylor Swift make a buffoon of herself on national TV, so I'm not complaining.

All in all, the performers were exceptionally terrible, other than Christina Aguilera, who stopped the show with Gershwin's aria "I Loves You, Porgy". (Click here: to watch). Celine Dion sang relatively well with an ironic rendition of "At Seventeen" and an accent so thick I thought it was Sean Connery in drag, and the Foo Fighters MURDERED "You're So Vain".

Of course, there was the required Miley Cyrus and/or Jonas Brothers appearance to cater to those seven-year-olds, but the most annoying part of the whole show was the passing-over of talented artists to nominate no-substance "sensations". Duffy?! Jonas Brothers?! It's sad when the best nominees are Coldplay and Leona Lewis...and I was so optimistic after the great choices last year. I don't even know that I'll bother getting the album this year...


TWILIGHT the movie

It's here, and if it's anything like the book, it sucks (not blood). I should preface this by saying I have only seen the trailers, so please comment if you've seen it.
Quotable quotes found online (with commentary):

"I dream about being with you forever" - Isabella (cue spookie music)

"Clair de Lune is great ... [but] I can't dance" - Dizzy Izzy again (yes, that Debussy, always wrote such jivey tunes)

"This is wrong..." - Emmet (if only you knew)

"Let's say, for argument's sake, I'm not smart" - Dizzy Izzy (who's arguing?)

Goofs to watch for:

Oregon state license plates found on Dear Edward's Car

Vampire fisticuffs ending in drawing of blood - but, wait, I thought they had no fluids but 'venom'? (I guess it was hard to find true undead for the parts...even in Forks)

Vampires eating, as well as looking at their reflections in mirrors (someone needs to brush up on their Dracula)

Can someone clue me in on why this is so popular? The actors are C-list at best, the book is terrible (I wish someone would stab Stephenie Meyer through the heart with her pencil), and the movie is so obviously meant for adolescent, fluff-headed girls that I would be embarrassed to be seen going to see it...


Inaugural Post

Welcome to burnamaurot, my acid-fingered friends, home of all things fadalicious and fun. Please post your hearts out, but keep in mind ze following:

All post must be witty and entertaining observations or arguments (I'm not to specific about vivacious, as that is difficult for some).

You can diss my tastes all you want, but absolutely no posting pointless, boring blather, e.g. "OMG! Edward is so hot!!!" or "I can rite real good".

And, if for any reason, you totally bore or disgust me, yes, I will remove your post, so KTIM those who are grammatically challenged.