The Meaning of the Title

Amaurot is a utopia, written about by Sir Thomas More. It is a city of "perfection" where the residents are so trusting that "their doors have all two leaves, which, as they are easily opened, so they shut of their own accord; and, there being no property among them, every man may freely enter into any house whatsoever. At every ten years' end they shift their houses by lots..."


TWILIGHT the movie

It's here, and if it's anything like the book, it sucks (not blood). I should preface this by saying I have only seen the trailers, so please comment if you've seen it.
Quotable quotes found online (with commentary):

"I dream about being with you forever" - Isabella (cue spookie music)

"Clair de Lune is great ... [but] I can't dance" - Dizzy Izzy again (yes, that Debussy, always wrote such jivey tunes)

"This is wrong..." - Emmet (if only you knew)

"Let's say, for argument's sake, I'm not smart" - Dizzy Izzy (who's arguing?)

Goofs to watch for:

Oregon state license plates found on Dear Edward's Car

Vampire fisticuffs ending in drawing of blood - but, wait, I thought they had no fluids but 'venom'? (I guess it was hard to find true undead for the parts...even in Forks)

Vampires eating, as well as looking at their reflections in mirrors (someone needs to brush up on their Dracula)

Can someone clue me in on why this is so popular? The actors are C-list at best, the book is terrible (I wish someone would stab Stephenie Meyer through the heart with her pencil), and the movie is so obviously meant for adolescent, fluff-headed girls that I would be embarrassed to be seen going to see it...


Anonymous said...

i would agree even though i havent seen or read the movie or book. the girls who are suddenly in 'love' with vampires are just plain rediculous! the vampire has been around forever and now that its suddenly 'fashionable' to like them, everyone does! get a life! you have to be extremely insecure about yourself to follow the fads just for the sake of being one of crowd. books like Interview with a Vampire, is where its at. those books are about real life passion! not just bullshit, pussy, teen romance! at least Ann Rice writes about things that mean something, with characters who think and feel the heaviness of life and not just 'ooh your so beautiful. i think i love you cause youre a bad boy and im somewhat afraid of you. so i love you even more.' get real.

Valya said...

I totally agree with you, I do not understand why they are so popular at all. I actually read all four books, but it hurt me to do so.

Here's something to watch for: I believe in the trailer or movie or both, there is a part where Bella falls, hits the right side of her head, then gets up and rubs the left side (or vice versa)