The Meaning of the Title

Amaurot is a utopia, written about by Sir Thomas More. It is a city of "perfection" where the residents are so trusting that "their doors have all two leaves, which, as they are easily opened, so they shut of their own accord; and, there being no property among them, every man may freely enter into any house whatsoever. At every ten years' end they shift their houses by lots..."


Should Auld Argot Be Forgotten? (look it up)

And with the New Year comes the newest list of banned words from that renowned Lake Superior State University...

(with commentary added for your viewing pleasure)

"green" [I guess I live in the Ever-Chartreuse State now?]

"carbon footprint"


"first dude" [it's easier just to say Adam anyway...]

"wall street/main street" [someone is going to need to do some major map corrections]




"game changer"


"desperate search" [no word on my request for a ban of "Desperate Housewives"]

"not so much"

"winner of five nominations" [blatant discrimination against Alicia Keys!!]

"it's that time of year again"

I have to say that I've never even heard most of these phrases before, and find it extraordinarily pompous to have L.S. "banning" them. If any random body can arbitrarily edit the English language, what could go next from overuse? The word "the"? How about that omnipresent "and"? Imagine how easy it’ll be to write those term papers now, campers! I guess I can't blame L.S.U. for a very well organized publicity campaign masquerading as a rewriting of the English language; and what else can it be but a P.R. stunt? For what other reason would you ban words used mainly in the Presidential election?! Yes, I know you live almost in Canada, but surely you've heard of the every-four-years clause in that Constitution thingummy... Anyway, although it's a desperate search to find these phrases in common use, a green maverick like myself is not so much annoyed as encouraged to give these poor, unwanted phrases a staycation in my iconic blog.

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